Monday, April 5, 2010

006: Freetalk!

Well I dont have any notable progress on any games...; 3 ; With my partner away it's hard to be here! Some random digital works:
This is Julien~ a friend's OC, they've been distracting me with RP so everything is their fault.

Sashaaa~ from Seikon no Qwaser...yeah I probably admitted to a little too much right now.

You probably don't want to see the rest of this picture. ...I don't want to see the rest of this picture. This is Dante from DMC4~! <3
Auri Sansone, my oc that I use to RP with Julien.
The random art aside...I've also recently watched How to Train your Dragon so my head is up in the clouds about Toothless and Hiccup..and well a lot of the Vikings. *Siiighhh*

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